Jack Hasken, President/CEO is very pleased to announce the addition of a new 2019 Milacron Q Series 200 ton press to the operation. This Milacron Q 200 features the latest new technologies and energy efficiencies. It boasts a Servo motor and internal gear pump, automatic lube system, Endura Touch press controls, along with many states… Read More
Made in Eastern Iowa: The twist and turns of business amid endless knobs in Maquoketa
Click here to watch to full video from KCRG!
Rick Santorum Visits Jackson Mfg
Presidential candidate Rick Santorum was invited in to tour and meet with President and CEO Jack Hasken last Wednesday, July 15th. Rick was in Iowa to promote manufacturing and speak about his plan to help revitalize manufacturing and the United States economy. Jack Hasken presented current plastic products made here at Jackson Mfg and then… Read More